Sunday, May 20, 2007

This weekend I ate dinner with the Brewers, my fiance Nhu, Stephanie and Abby Owens, and Yo-Shin (the "foreign exchange administrator" from China). Among many other topics, we talked about the difference between Chinese and American classrooms. Yo-Shin was very surprised and impressed with the high level of student-instructor interaction, as well as the respect that teachers have for and the amount of freedom they give their students. What floored her the most was how much the faculty and staff at JBC- especially Dr. Eubanks- is willing to serve others. She said this was in stark contrast to the attitude and expectations of authority figures in China. Anyway, while this post isn't a lesson idea or classroom strategy, I think I needed a reminder that humility and respect in the classroom can change lives and be a witness more than subject matter or creative lesson plans.

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